Mickey Leon

Position: Holy Ghost Host

HI!! The wind blew me in from West Texas where I grew up with Great Grandmothers who took to me worship every Sunday without fail. , also horses and music occupied a lot of my time there. Shortly after arriving here I started singing in church choirs and specials for different Christian organizations and was very blessed to have studied voice at Grand Canyon with Dr. Macon Delavan.

I have loved the Lord from a very young age and soon knew the Holy Spirit Presence in my life. I grew in the knowledge of my Lord under the Life changing ministries of Kenneth Copeland and others, which I have applied earnestly in my walk of Faith clothed in Love. The gifts of the Holy Spirit are manifest through me as He wills and it is my greatest love and joy to see people healed and live in the Divine health and prosper . 3 John 1:2. I am very blessed to be here at Arizona Healing Rooms and always welcome you to share in the great joy of our Lord right here,, in the place of the Word of Truth, Light and Glorious Revelation,,, as the Father builds His church. Lovingly Yours… M